We do not require for you to appear in a trial de nova (court trial) to get our back guarantee. Even if the ticket is reduced but not dismissed we still honor our money back guarantee.
Speeding Ticket in Los Angeles - The following is a list of the speeds on streets in Los Angeles in Los Angeles County. The police Department could enforce the speed limit and hand out a speeding ticket for 22350 vc in Los Angeles:
What is 22350 vc speeding ticket cost in Los Angeles California?
What is a Speed Trap in Los Angeles?
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 1ST ST FROM INDIANA ST TO ALAMEDA ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 1ST ST FROM FLOWER ST/HOPE ST TO GLENDALE BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 1ST ST (SP) FROM CL E/O HANFORD AV TO CL E/O MIRALESTE DR for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 3RD ST FROM BOYLSTON ST TO DOHENY DR for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 3RD PL FROM INDIANA ST TO VELASCO ST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 4TH ST FROM VELASCO ST TO BOYLE AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 6TH ST FROM BEAUDRY AV TO NORMANDIE AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 6TH ST FROM NORMANDIE AV TO LA BREA AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 6TH ST FROM LA BREA AV TO FAIRFAX AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 6TH ST FROM FAIRFAX AV TO SAN VICENTE BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 7TH ST FROM FIGUEROA ST TO VERMONT AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 7TH ST FROM VERMONT AV TO CATALINA ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 8TH ST FROM FIGUEROA ST TO IROLO ST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 8TH ST FROM IROLO ST TO LUCERNE BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 8TH ST FROM LA BREA AV TO FAIRFAX AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 9TH ST (SP) FROM WEYMOUTH AV TO WESTERN AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 19TH ST FROM GAFFEY ST TO WESTERN AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 23RD ST FROM FIGUEROA ST TO HOOVER ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 25TH ST FROM GAFFEY ST TO GUNNELL AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 25TH ST FROM GUNNELL AV TO CL W/O MERMAID DR for driving over 40 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 39TH ST FROM VERMONT AV TO BUCKINGHAM RD for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 48TH ST FROM NORMANDIE AV TO CL W/O CRENSHAW BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 54TH ST FROM CENTRAL AV TO WESTERN AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 54TH ST FROM WESTERN AV TO CRENSHAW BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 74TH ST FROM LA TIJERA BL TO SEPULVEDA BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 76TH ST FROM FLIGHT AV TO SEPULVEDA BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 80TH ST FROM SEPULVEDA BL TO CAMPION DR for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 83RD ST FROM LA TIJERA BL TO SEPULVEDA BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 83RD ST FROM SEPULVEDA BL TO HASTINGS AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 92ND ST FROM CROESUS AV TO VERMONT AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 98TH ST FROM AVALON BL TO VERMONT AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 103RD ST FROM CL E/O WEIGAND AV TO AVALON BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 135TH ST FROM FIGUEROA ST TO VERMONT AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 186TH ST FROM VERMONT AV TO WESTERN AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on 223RD ST FROM NORMANDIE AV TO WESTERN AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ABBOT KINNEY BL FROM WASHINGTON BL TO MAIN ST (VENICE) for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ACADEMY RD FROM SOLANO AV TO MORTON PL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ADAMS BL FROM FIGUEROA ST TO LA BREA AVE for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALAMEDA ST FROM ANAHEIM ST TO HARRY BRIDGES BL for driving over 40 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALEXANDRIA AV FROM SANTA MONICA BL TO MELROSE AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALHAMBRA AV FROM CL E/O LOWELL AV TO VALLEY BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALLA RD FROM CL S/O WASHINGTON BL TO MAXELLA AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALLA RD FROM MAXELLA AV TO MARINA EXPRESS WY for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALLENFORD AV FROM SUNSET BL TO 26TH ST (SANTA MONICA) for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALLESANDRO ST FROM RIVERSIDE DR TO GLENDALE BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALMA ST FROM 27TH ST TO 37TH ST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALONZO AV FROM VALLEY VISTA BL TO MEDLEY DR for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ALVARADO ST(Caltrans SR 2) FROM HOLLYWOOD FWY (101) TO GLENDALE BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AMALFI DR FROM ROMANY DR TO UPPER MESA RD for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ANAHEIM ST FROM LONG BEACH CITY LIMIT TO HENRY FORD AV for driving over 45 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ANAHEIM ST FROM HENRY FORD AV TO FIGUEROA PL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ANAHEIM ST FROM FIGUEROA PL TO VERMONT AV for driving over 45 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ANAHEIM ST FROM VERMONT AV TO WESTERN AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on APOLLO DR FROM HERCULES DR TO WILLOW GLEN RD for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on APPERSON ST FROM HAINES CYN AV TO NEWHOME AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ARLETA AV FROM DEVONSHIRE ST TO ROSCOE BL for driving over 40 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ARLINGTON AV/VAN NESS AV FROM ADAMS BL TO SLAUSON AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on ART ST FROM WHEATLAND AV TO STONEHURST AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVALON BL FROM JEFFERSON BL TO SLAUSON AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVALON BL FROM SLAUSON AV TO FLORENCE AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVALON BL FROM MANCHESTER AV TO IMPERIAL HWY for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 26 FROM PASADENA AV TO SAN FERNANDO RD for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 28 FROM CYPRESS AV TO FIGUEROA ST for driving over 25 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 36 FROM EAGLE ROCK BL TO FLETCHER DR for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 51 FROM EATON ST TO YORK BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 52 FROM FIGUEROA ST TO GRIFFIN AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 60 FROM CL E/O HELLMAN AV TO FIGUEROA ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 64 FROM CL N/O ROSSWOOD TERR TO MERIDIAN ST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE 64 FROM MERIDIAN ST TO PASADENA FWY (110) for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on AVENUE SAN LUIS FROM MULHOLLAND DR TO SHOUP AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BALBOA BL FROM FOOTHILL BL TO PINERIDGE DR for driving over 45 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BALBOA BL FROM PINERIDGE DR TO RINALDI ST for driving over 40 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BALBOA BL FROM RINALDI ST TO VICTORY BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BALBOA BL FROM VICTORY BL TO BURBANK BL for driving over 40 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BALBOA BL FROM BURBANK BL TO VENTURA BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BARHAM BL FROM CL N/O FOREST LAWN DR TO CAHUENGA BL EAST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BARRINGTON AV FROM SALTAIR AV TO OLYMPIC BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BARRINGTON AV FROM NATIONAL BL TO INDIANAPOLIS ST/ FEDERAL AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEACHWOOD DR FROM WESTSHIRE DR TO FRANKLIN AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEACHY AV FROM FILMORE ST TO WENTWORTH ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEETHOVEN ST FROM ROSE AV TO MAXELLA AV for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BELL CANYON BL FROM VALLEY CIRCLE BL TO CL W/O OVERLAND DR for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BELLAIRE AV FROM COLDWATER CYN AV TO MAGNOLIA BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BELLEVUE AV FROM CORONADO ST TO HOOVER ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BENEDICT CANYON DR FROM MULHOLLAND DR TO N/O LIEBE DR for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BENEDICT CANYON DR FROM N/O LIEBE DR TO CL S/O DELRESTO DR for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BENTON WAY FROM SUNSET BL TO BEVERLY BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY BL FROM GLENDALE BL TO WESTERN AV for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY BL FROM WESTERN AV TO CL W/O LA CIENEGA BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY GLEN BL FROM MULHOLLAND DR TO 250' S/O RUTHVEN LN for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY GLEN BL FROM 250' S/O RUTHVEN LN TO SUNSET BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY GLEN BL FROM SUNSET BL TO PICO BL for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY GLEN BL FROM VENTURA BL TO SUMAC DR for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERLY GLEN BL FROM SUMAC DR TO MULHOLLAND DR for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERWIL DR FROM CL N/O RODEO DR TO PICO BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BEVERWIL DR FROM PICO BL TO SAWYER ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BIG TUJUNGA CYN RD FROM ORO VISTA AV TO CL E/O MT GLEASON AV for driving over 45 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BIXEL ST FROM MIRAMAR ST TO 8TH ST for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BRADDOCK DR FROM SAWTELLE BL TO CULVER BL for driving over 30 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BRADLEY AV FROM ROXFORD ST TO CL S/O AZTEC ST for driving over 35 mph.
In Los Angeles speeding ticket for 22350 vc could be issued on BRAND BL FROM C.L. e/o ACALA AV TO SEPULVEDA BL for driving over 40 mph.
Most likely the reason you are on this website is that you were issued a Traffic Ticket in California. If so, you are in the right place. If you have decided to contest a traffic ticket with a trial by written declaration we can help prepare your documents for you. We specialize in fighting traffic tickets for infractions and over many years and we have helped thousands of people to successfully beat their traffic tickets.
Traffic tickets can damage a person’s driving record and consequently impact automobile insurance premiums and cost a lot of money over the years. So, if you have decided to contest your traffic ticket we can help by preparing all the necessary documents for you for a trial by written declaration with the goal of getting a dismissal of the ticket.
We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee of our $99 flat fee in the event that the traffic ticket is not dismissed. NO Gimmicks, No Forms to fill, No Hoops to jump through. Just send us the court’s decision letter showing you were found guilty and the ticket was not dismissed. After we verify the information, we will issue you a 100% refund of our $99 flat fee. It’s that simple, see Our Guarantee Page.
Legal Disclaimer and Notice to Consumer: The information obtained from 2FixYourTrafficTicket.com hereafter referred to as FYTT and this website is intended to provide you only with general information. In short, the use of this website and the free informational or educational materials and any services provided by FYTT is not legal advice and it is not a substitute for advice from an attorney and should be used on “as is” basis. The Services of FYTT are provided by a registered and bonded Legal Document Assistant in LA County LDA2014166284 Valid through 6/17/2024. You may contact LA County registrar recorder at P.O. BOX 1208 Norwalk, CA 90650 or at 562--462-2177 or at lavote. net. A Legal Document Assistant cannot provide legal advice and can only provide self-help services like preparing, completing, or filing legal documents or forms at your specific direction and supplying you with attorney-approved written material for your self-help needs. If you choose to use this site or services provided by FYTT you agree that the free information provided on this website and information given by FYTT representatives, employees, attorneys or agents is not legal advice and no Attorney-Client relationship is created. FYTT is NOT A LAW FIRM, does not practice law, does not give legal advice, any opinion or recommendations about legal remedies, legal rights, legal defenses, or legal options. FYTT is allowed to complete legal documents in a professional and ministerial manner at the specific direction of the client. The representatives, agents and principles of FYTT are not acting as your attorney. Instead, you are representing yourself in any legal matter you undertake with the use of FYTT’s services regarding your traffic ticket. You may contact us at 6442 Platt Avenue, #203, West Hills, CA 91307 or 877--814-7542.