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Speeding Ticket in Tolumne County - On this page are the posted speeds on streets in Tolumne County. Law Enforcement agencies might enforce the speed limit and write a speeding ticket for 22350 vc in Tolumne County:
What is 22350 vc speeding ticket cost in Tolumne County California?
What is a Speed Trap in Tolumne County?
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Golf Club Drive in the vicinity of Lots 29 to 33 of Block J of Twain Harte Subdivision No. 2. for driving over 15 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Lake View Drive in the vicinity of Lots 3 to 5 of Block J of Twain Harte Subdivision No. 2. for driving over 15 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Lake View Drive in the vicinity of Lots 24 and 25 of Block J of Twain Harte Subdivision No. 2. for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Standard Road (County Road No. C45100), beginning at post mile 1.00, and extending northward to post mile 1.30, a distance of 1,584 feet for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Twain Harte Tract consisting of Twain Harte Subdivisions Nos. 1 through 8 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Soulsbyville Road (County Road No. C45010), beginning at the intersection of Draper Mine Road, extending northward to the intersection of Burford Lane, a distance of 3,537 feet for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Old Strawberry Road between roads N7802 on the south, and N7801 on the north, as delineated on the official County Road Map for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Strawberry Drive between Old Strawberry Road on the south, and State Highway 108 on the north for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Pinecrest Lake Road from State Highway 108 to its end for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Pinecrest Avenue from its intersection with Pinecrest Lake Road on the west to its intersection with Pinecrest Lake Road on the east for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Dodge Ridge Road from its intersection with Pinecrest Lake Road to a point 1.1 miles easterly for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Pinecrest School Road from its intersection with the Dodge Ridge Road to its end for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Shaws Flat Road (County Road No. C54250) from its intersection with Mt. Brow Road to its intersection with Jamestown Road for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Mt. Brow Road (County Road No. 542201) from its intersection with Jamestown Road, westerly to its intersection with State Highway 49 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Ferretti Road (County Road No. A36210) from State Highway 120 (post mile 0.00) northerly to Bisordi Street (post mile 0.126) for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Algerine Road (County Road No. 442300) from post mile 1.70 to post mile 2.00, a distance of 1,584 feet for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Hess Avenue (County Road No. 450400) from its intersection with Tuolumne Road to post mile 0.20, and from post mile 0.80 to its intersection with State Highway 108 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Crystal Falls Drive (County Road No. 563026) from Longeway Road northwesterly to Creekside Drive, a distance of 2.80 miles for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Long Barn Road (County Road No. A67300) beginning at post mile 0.25 and extending eastward to post mile 1.05 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Kewin Mill Road (County Road No. 551300) beginning at post mile 2.50, and extending northward to its end at post mile 2.77 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Yosemite Road (County Road No. C45260) beginning at Maple Avenue and extending southwesterly of Oak Street for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Twain Harte Drive (County Road No. A56200) beginning at a point 530 feet southwest of its intersection with Joaquin Gully at post mile 1.73 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Parrotts Ferry Road (County Road No. A54230) beginning at a point 1,530 feet southeast of the Springfield Road intersection, and extending northwestwardly to a point 55 feet northwest of its intersection with North Airport Road at post mile 2.32 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Tuolumne Road (County Road No. A45050) beginning at the Turnback Creek Bridge at post mile 6.54, and extending northeastwardly to its end at Carter Street at post mile 7.19 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Carter Street (County Road No. C45260) beginning at its intersection with Buchanan Road at post mile 0.83, and extending northwardly to post mile 1.17 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Greenley Road (County Road No. C55310) beginning at its intersection with Mono Way and extending northward for a distance of 0.56 mile for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Old Priest Grade (County Road No. 352701) from its westerly intersection with State Highway 120, eastwardly to its eastern intersection with State Highway 120 for driving over 25 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Shaws Flat Road (County Road No. C54250) from State Highway 49 southerly to its intersection with Shaws FlatJamestown Road for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Mt. Brow Road (County Road No. 542201) from its intersection with Shaws Flat Road westerly to its intersection with Shaws Flat-Jamestown Road for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Yankee Hill Road (County Road No. 541200) from the end of the existing 25 mile per hour speed zone near Columbia (0.29 mile east of Parrots Ferry Road), easterly to 0.1 mile west of Sawmill Flat Road for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Greenley Road (County Road No. C55310) beginning at a distance of 0.56 mile from its intersection with Mono Way, extending northward to its end at Lyons Street for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Soulsbyville Road (County Road No. C45010) beginning at the intersection of Longeway Road and extending southward to the northern right of way of State Highway 108 for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Soulsbyville Road (County Road No. C45100) beginning at the intersection of Mono Vista Road South, and extending southward to the intersection of Burford Lane for driving over 30 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Saratoga Road from its southeasterly intersection with Shaws Flat Road, to its northwesterly intersection with Shaws Flat Road, north of Sonora city limits for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Shaws Flat Road from the southeasterly intersection of Saratoga Drive, in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with Mt. Brow Road, north of Sonora city limits for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Elder Lane (County Road No. 362104) from SR120 to Pine Mountain Drive for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Seco Street from its intersection with Third Avenue in Jamestown to its intersection with Algerine Road at Campo Seco for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Algerine Road from its intersection with Jacksonville Road to its intersection with McRae Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Campo Seco Road from its intersection with Campbells Flat Road to its intersection with Lime Kiln Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Lime Kiln Road from its intersection with Campo Seco Road, to a point 455 feet north of said intersection for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Sawmill Flat Road from the intersection of Sawmill Flat Road with Parrotts Ferry Road to a point 2.0 miles from the intersection for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Jamestown Road (County Road No. C44100), beginning at its intersection with State Routes 49/108 at post mile 0.00, extending northward to its end at its intersection with Shaws Flat Road at post mile 3.83 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Phoenix Lake Road (County Road No. C55320) beginning at the barricade near Mono Way at post mile 0.00, extending northeasterly to the intersection of Longeway Road at post mile 7.06 a distance of 7.06 miles for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Draper Mine Road (County Road No. 553502) beginning at Highway 108 and extending eastwardly to Soulsbyville Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Jacksonville Road and Stent Cut-off (County Road No. A35200) beginning at post mile 7.56 and extending northwardly, ending at its intersection with Algerine Road at post mile 8.55 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Ridgewood Drive (County Road No. 552704) beginning at Phoenix Lake Road, extending eastwardly to Crestview Drive for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Buchanan Road (County Road No. 460507) beginning at Carter Street, and extending northwardly to the intersection of Mira Monte Road at post mile 0.50 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Soulsbyville Road (County Road No. C45050) from its intersection with Tuolumne Road, northwardly to a point of 500 feet south of Draper Mine Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Cherokee Road (County Road No. 460600) from its intersection with Tuolumne Road, northwardly to its intersection with North Tuolumne Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Bennett Road (County Road No. 541601) from its intersection with Horseshoe Bend Road to its intersection with Chili Gulch Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Horseshoe Bend Road (County Road No. 541600) from its intersection with Springfield Road to its intersection with Bennett Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Longeway Road beginning at the intersection of Hunts Road, extending northerly to the intersection of Big Hill Road for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Tuolumne Road North (County Road No. A45050) beginning at Tuolumne Road at post mile 0.00, and extending northerly to Mi Wu Street at post mile 0.81 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Tuolumne Road North (County Road No. A45050) beginning at post mile 5.65, extending northerly to the intersection with SR108 at post mile 6.73 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Lyons Bald Mt. Road from its intersection with Greenley Road, extending northeasterly to its eastern end for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Standard Road (County Road No. C45100) beginning at its intersection with Tuolumne Road at post mile 0.00, extending northwardly to post mile 1.00 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Standard Road (County Road No. C45100) beginning at post mile 1.30, extending northwardly to the intersection of Mono Way at post mile 1.71 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Mono Way beginning at the intersection of Fir Drive, and extending easterly to the easterly intersection of Sanguinetti Road at post mile 1.50 for driving over 35 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Longeway Road from its intersection with Soulsbyville Road, to the intersection of Hunts Road for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on North Sunshine Road from its intersection with Soulsbyville Road to a point 0.14 mile west of said intersection for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Wards Ferry Road (County Road No. A36200) from its intersection with Booker Road (County Road No. 451602) at post mile 15.19, to its intersection with Tuolumne Road (County Road No. A45050) at post mile 16.17 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Sanguinetti Road from its western intersection with Mono Way at post mile 0.00, to its eastern intersection with Mono Way at post mile 0.94 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Rawhide Road (County Road No. A44103) beginning at its intersection with State Routes 49/108 at post mile 0.00, extending northwardly to its end at State Route 49 at post mile 4.03 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Bonds Flat Road (County Road No. A24330) from post mile 0.89 to post mile 2.53 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Woodhams Carne Road (County Road No. 451300) beginning at its intersection with Tuolumne Road, extending southerly to its intersection with Yosemite Road for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Twain Harte Drive (County Road No. A56200) beginning at its western intersection with State Route 108 at post mile 0.00, extending northeastwardly to a point 530 feet southwest of its intersection with Joaquin Gully Road at post mile 1.73 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Twain Harte Drive (County Road No. A56200) beginning at a point 210 feet northeast of its intersection with Tiffeni Drive West at post mile 2.10, extending northeastwardly to its end at its eastern intersection with State Route 108 at post mile 2.57 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Parrotts Ferry Road (County Road No. A54230) beginning at its intersection with State Route 49 at post mile 0.00, extending northwestwardly to post mile 0.94 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Parrotts Ferry Road (County Road No. A54230) beginning at a point 55 feet northwesterly of its intersection with North Airport Road at post mile 2.32, extending northwestwardly to its intersection with Old Parrotts Ferry Road at post mile 5.55 for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Campo Seco Road from its intersection with Jacksonville Road to its intersection with Campbells Flat Road for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Ferretti Road (County Road No. A36210) from its intersection with Cottonwood Street (post mile 3.3), northeasterly to its intersection with Peters Ranch Road (post mile 7.2) for driving over 40 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Black Oak Road (County Road No. 450100) beginning at its intersection with Tuolumne Road, extending northwardly to its intersection with Soulsbyville Road for driving over 45 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Mono Way beginning at the easterly intersection of Sanguinetti Road at post mile 1.50, extending easterly to the intersection of Industrial Drive at post mile 3.62 for driving over 45 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Mono Way beginning at the intersection of Industrial Drive at post mile 3.62, and extending easterly to the intersection of Standard Road at post mile 3.82 for driving over 50 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Tuolumne Road (County Road No. A45050) beginning at post mile 0.55, extending southeastwardly to the Turnback Creek Bridge at post mile 6.54 for driving over 50 mph.
In Tolumne County speeding ticket for 22350 vc may be given on Tuolumne Road North (County Road No. A45050) beginning at the intersection of Mi Wu Street at post mile 0.81, and extending northeasterly to the intersection of Cedar Springs Road at post mile 5.65 for driving over 50 mph.
Most likely the reason you are on this website is that you were issued a Traffic Ticket in California. If so, you are in the right place. If you have decided to contest a traffic ticket with a trial by written declaration we can help prepare your documents for you. We specialize in fighting traffic tickets for infractions and over many years and we have helped thousands of people to successfully beat their traffic tickets.
Traffic tickets can damage a person’s driving record and consequently impact automobile insurance premiums and cost a lot of money over the years. So, if you have decided to contest your traffic ticket we can help by preparing all the necessary documents for you for a trial by written declaration with the goal of getting a dismissal of the ticket.
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